Our Mission

For centuries Yoga has been a resource for many aspects of life including pain management, mindfulness, and even healing from developmental trauma. I began yoga while searching for a non-pharmaceutical way to manage all of these and although I have been dealing with these issues for 20 years, yoga has been the thing that has helped me the most. Yoga teaches us that pain, difficulties, and discomfort are only temporary and that pushing through makes us stronger and better prepared for next time. However, to truly and deeply appreciate the benefits of yoga, we are encouraged to transcend into another space, root ourselves into the earth, and honor our bodies and spaces, as well as many other aspects that make many Christians question whether the practice of yoga is acceptable. When we do these things while practicing yoga, are we taking our devotion away from God? If we are rooted in Christ, how can we also root ourselves into the earth? Is there a way to combine the physical practice of yoga (asana), while honoring our faith in Christ? We wear shirts emblazoned with Sanskrit symbols, but do we know what they really mean?

As I began researching these things and looking for ways to practice yoga without dishonoring my faith, I found that there are no clothing options for Christians practicing yoga and this was something I wanted to change. My mission was to find ways to remind myself that being grounded in Vrikshasana, or “tree pose can also be used as a time to ground myself deeper in Christ. Meditation during a yoga class doesn’t have to transcend us into another space, we can use that time to envelop ourselves in the warming embrace of the Holy Spirit and our sun salutations and daily flow can be used as a means to honor God and thank him for the strong, able bodies that He has given us. Through our relationship with Christ, we are given an unmatched strength, which we can also increase through the practice of yoga, these things can be brought together while we remind ourselves that difficulties are temporary, but the love of God is forever.